

2139 Linolie Amalienborg 241 D

Beautiful squares have always made a big impression on me, and the square at Amalienborg Palace is no exception. The beautiful four symmetrical wings of the Amalienborg palace frame the historical square where the sculpture of Frederick V on horseback is placed so majestic in the center - just like a loving family who wait, hand in hand, gathered around the Christmas tree right before starting to dance around the tree.


"For some unknown reason,
the colour had run a little off track,
and therefore we were left without
an actual colour reference
that we could mix by"


Since the renovation of Christian VII's mansion in the 90s, where among other things the beautiful doors were brought back to its original colour and therefor the yellow-brown colour was chosen. Since this specific colour has been on the list of my favorite colours! 

2139 Linolie Amalienborg 415 D

2139 Linolie Amalienborg 253 D



This is also one of the reasons why this project brought me plenty of joy to be invovled in. For some unknown reason, the colour had run a little off track, and therefore we were left without an actual colour reference that we could mix by. This gave us the possibility to visit Freja from the painting company Svend Fischer A / S while she was preparing for the project. Luckily for us, there were a few places where the paint was applied a little too copiously. Therefor we could find remains of the previous paint. 


"We took the cloth with
us home and mixed the colour
by this reference"


We rubbed the surface with a cloth and got into the layer of wet paint underneath. We took the cloth with us home and mixed the colour by this reference. I wonder if the colour will not bring joy to the many visitors who pass by? At least I hope so!

2139 Linolie Amalienborg 204 D


2139 Linolie Amalienborg 370 D

2139 Linolie Amalienborg 321 D